Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Car Accident in Dubai
I was told this morning that I was finally initiated into Dubai, and that now I can consider myself welcomed by Dubai.
It happened just as I was parking my car in the parking lot at work.  All of sudden BAMB!  The car swerves sideways.  I yell, "Really!  I can't believe this!"  (Those that really know my are probably amazed that that is all that I said.)
Yuppers my rearend got clipped.  And it happened in the school parking lot.  I was hit by another employee of the school.  She nicked me just as was completing my maneuver into the parking slot.
We talked, I got her number, and then went to find out what I had to do. 
I was told that I had to call the police immediately.  Immediately - it happened 30 minutes ago.  Immediately - how do you call the police?  Here, in Dubai it is not 911.  Immediately dialed 999.
I climbed the stairs back up to my room and dialed 999.  When I was connected to police I stated that I had just been hit.  The officer on the other end said, "Just moment; I will get you someone that speaks English."  When I got the English speaking officer I told him what had happened.  He asked where the cars were.  "GEMS World Academy," was my response.
"Where is that at?"  was the officer's question.  (O.K.  I have accepted the fact that I may have to tell the cab drivers here how to arrive at a destination, but a  police officer?)
"It is the big blue school in Al Barsha South,"  was my answer.
Then I frantically ran around telling our Secretary that I would need coverage when the police came.  Then waited for the call.  I was so paranoid and hyped that I even took my phone with me to the bathroom. 
"Oh my gosh!  I'm gonna have to deal with the Dubai police, and I don't know how to speak Arabic, and it was an Arab women that hit me, I'm gonna end up with the red slip."  All of these thoughts were running through my mind.
The police call came; I couldn't understand him so I went to find an Arabic teacher so that they could talk, and so I could find out what I needed to do.  I met the officer at the main gate of the school.  I tried to tell him where the cars were.  He couldn't understand me so he had me hop into the back seat of the car in order to take him into the parking lot. 
Great!  I'm in the back of Dubai Police car.  I can't buckle the seat belt because I couldn't find the clip, and I feel like criminal with the grill in front of me using my finger to point out directions to the officer.
Once in the back of the parking lot, all parties met up.  The culprit who hit me, an Arabic women, was able to converse in Arab with the officer.  I stood there wondering what they were talking about. (Being paranoid I was sure they were talking about the dumb blond expat.) 
I tried my hardest to mind my manners, and say yes sir and thank you sir.  It or my blond hair must have worked. 
I walked away with the green slip.  (The green slip means that you are not at fault, and the other person is responsible.)  I got the green slip!!  Happy day!
Dealing with the the car rental company was not too bad either.  I just took the car in gave them the green slip, and their smiles were wide.  I ended up with a new car.
Happy UAE day, and thank you Dubai for officially welcoming me to your country.  Minor damage was done and no one was hurt.  That is the most important aspect of this morning's collision.

Thursday, November 22, 2012

The Dryer
After having successfully used the washer for the last 3 months.  I had the opportunity to move on and try the dryer.  It is amazing how much you learn about appliances in Dubai.
Here here follows the steps on how to use the dryer.
1.  Stare at the washer/dryer and try and figure out how it works.
2.  Have a friend show you how to use the washer.
3.  Make sure that the hose is connected to the pipe when you use the washer.
4.  Mop up the water off of the floor, and successfully do a load of clothes in the washer.
5. Hang your clothes outside to bake in the sun.
6. Continue to use the washer to do clothes and have the nice stuff done at the dry cleaners because you are never sure what will happen in the washer.
7.  Stare at the washer/dryer and think that there has to be a way to use the dryer.
8.  Have drinks with some friends and one of them says I use the dryer all of the time.  It is nice to have fluffy towels and T-shirts that don't feel like cardboard.
9.  Ask her how she uses the dryer, and if the dryer works.
10.  Yes, the dryer works all of the time.  I just followed the directions in the manual.  (Manual - people actually got a manual on how the machine works - amazing!)
11. She gives verbal directions on how to use the dryer portion of the machine.
12.  Run into the friend at the beach, and she offers to print off the directions  and come over and show you how to use the dryer.
13.  You text her later in the evening; she comes over with copied directions; and shows you how to use the dryer.
14.  She also tells you that the compartment where you put the detergent and fabric softener completely comes out so that you can clean it.  Amazing what you learn.
15.  You pull out the compartment and proceed to clean the gunk that has built up.
16.  You also find out that you have been putting the detergent and fabric softener in the wrong place because of course you didn't get the manual like some people did.
17.  Your friend shows you how to use the dryer, and leaves a copy of the directions with you.
18.  A couple of days later you attempt to use the dyer.  You load in some clothes; push the buttons that you were shown to push; cross your fingers, and leave for work.
19.  Come home from work and be totally amazed that the clothes are washed and dried. 
20.  You have successfully done a load of wash and dried them.
21.  You realize that now that by putting the detergent and fabric softener in the right place -  that you need to get new fabric softener because you really don't like the smell of it.
22.  Look forward to fluffy towels and non-cardboard T-shirts and underwear in the future. 

Sunday, November 18, 2012

The 2 Ms of Change
Warning:  this is a reflection piece and may not be positive in some areas.
I have now past my 3 month mark here in Dubai.  In one respect I wonder where the time has gone.  It seems like it has flown; on the flip side there are days and nights that just drag. 
The good thing about coming to Dubai is that I seem to be exhausted every night.  I have not had any problems falling asleep at night and sleeping pretty good.  That is a good change.
The 2 Ms of Change.  I think I took the title from the book my 6th graders are reading:  Who Moved My Cheese?  I think I needed the book more than they did; however, they have really enjoyed learning about Sniff, Scurry, Hem, and Haw.  And they seem to have picked up on the message of how to deal with change.
To answer the question of:  Who moved my cheese?  I moved my cheese and I did it on purpose, but it still did not make it easier to deal with the 2 Ms.
I have learned so much about myself.  (You would have thought I would have figured myself out by my age, but change is one way to really challenge yourself and learn things about yourself that are new.)
I remember one particular night shortly after arriving in Dubai.  It was not a good night.  I spent the night sobbing myself to sleep.  I could not figure out why I was crying so much.  I kept telling myself that I am a strong, confident, self-sufficient woman and that there was no reason why I should be bawling my head off.  I recognized that the last time I spent myself in such a way was when my mother passed away.  Bingo - it hit me!  When my mother died I had to mourn her passing.  Since I had moved and left everything behind I had to mourn what was familiar and known.
The first M of Change is:  mourning.  I learned that I had mourn what I left behind.  It is O.K. to do; it is normal; every loss has to be mourned.  Every time I get overwhelmed with homesickness I tell myself that it is O.K. to be a little sad.  I acknowledge it and then move on to the second M of Change.
I was recently reflecting on the changes in my life, and I realized that I could not spend my time mourning and missing my life in Colorado.  I had to give myself permission to move forward and to experience my change with open arms.  I moved my cheese in order to have an experience and to travel.  In order to fully live my new adventure I had to learn to move forward and discover Dubai.  I am learning to venture out more and enjoy what Dubai has to offer.
The second M of Change:  Moving Forward.
The 2 Ms of Change:  Mourning and Moving Forward.  Isn't ironic that I had to relearn those 2 vital ingredients to life again? 
I will admit that the last day or two has not been the easiest here, but I am trying to focus on what I have learned to enjoy about Dubai.  I have a great hair person; I enjoy the people that I work with; I have some great students; I have made some great friends; I love the fact that it is so cheap to fill up my gas tank and that they wash your windows for you; I am loving the beach - really where else can you go spend a day at the beach in November and still have a summer tan; and overall I am loving the experience to grow and learn.
Most of all I really appreciate all of the support that I receive from my family and friends.  Thanks so much.  I am looking forward to seeing everyone over the summer.  Hum, I wonder if I will have to deal with the 2 Ms of Change when I return home for the summer?

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Dogs and Sausages
It all started in the elevator in Widcombe House 4.  Caroline entered and we greeted each other.  She told me that Amber had called her about some stray dogs and they were going to see if they could catch them.  I offered to help.
Armed with sausages and Murphy, Amber's dog, off we went in search of the strays.  (Stray dogs are not tolerated well in Dubai and many of them automatically put down.)
We walked through dirt and sand talking about vet visits and sand mites.  I learned about the upcoming dog walk that K9 friends will be putting on. I found out that Christmas is a big event in Dubai. I heard about Murphy's adoption story and how his brother almost become part of the family, too.
After trudging through the sand which filled my shoes (yes, I've now learned not to wear open shoes when walking in fine sand) we finally arrived at the field where the dog(s) have been spotted.  We found a den area, but no dog.  Soon Murphy started going towards another dog.  It was the stray.  The 2 dogs greeted each other and frisked around.  Soon a third dog and another group of people arrived.  All of us were looking for the stray.
The stray was a beautiful tan color with a pointy ears and a bushy table.  The stray did not respond to any verbal cues.  He/She didn't even seem interested in us humans.  In fact it wanted to stay as far away from us as possible.  Every time we tried to move closer the stray moved away.  The stray finally squeezed through a fence and hid in some bushes.  Sadly the stray never got any sausage treats.
On the other hand Murphy was thinking more treats for me.  Yes, there was a purpose to chasing that stray dog away.  I'm the only one that can eat the sausages now.  I am a smart puppy just like my owners think that I am.  After all I can open the fridge door and get my own food.  Murphy you are puppy boy.
Our mission was not a total success.  We did get to see the stray.  Caroline got some pictures to post.  Other people are out trying to help the stray.  Murphy got his walk and extra sausages.  And the girls were able to bond.  Best of all I gained in new friend - Murphy.
I would say the time was well spent.