Saturday, September 8, 2012

Jet Lag
  This is going to be about jet lag or should I say Zombie for a week.  I have been very fortunate in my life to be able to do a lot of traveling, and to go to different countries around the world.  I have had to deal with time changes before, but OMG this was like nothing I had experience before.
I have traveled across the International Date Line a couple of times, and it seems that I was able to adjust to the time difference much easier than I did here.   Maybe crossing the International Date Line  is easier to adjust to since you just loose a day and you really don't have to adjust to the loss of time.
Traveling to Dubai created a 10 hour time difference from Colorado, and it took a good week to adjust to the time here.  And it just wasn't me.  All of us were dealing with the same issues/symptoms. The symptoms created a Zombie for a week.  I was incoherent;  I wasn't able to sleep at night; I forced myself to stay up during the days and still couldn't sleep at night; my comprehension and focus was not normal; and my ability to think clearly was effect. 
Looking back now after 4 weeks I wonder how I survived that week.  Everyone I talked to had the same issues.  We were not sleeping at night and trying to stay awake during the day.  It was complete irony that I was dead tired and only sleeping 2 to 3 hours at night - then I was wide awake at 2 o'clock in the morning.  It was tough.
After a week things started to adjust back to a normal pattern.  One night I was able to sleep for 2 hours, the next night 3 hours, the next night 4 hours, and then I left Zombie land and settled into a normal sleeping pattern.
I am still wondering if the sleeping pattern adjusted itself as my body got use to Dubai time or if I finally went and brought a mattress pad at Ikea for my bed.  Perhaps that is another topic for a blog.
I am sure that you are all happy to know that I am no longer a Zombie, but I am back to my normal self and trying to adjust to life in Dubai.

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