Friday, May 10, 2013

K-9 Puppy Ball
It was one of those nights that just turn out to be fantastic.   And you wonder what happened.  It was the annual K-9 Puppy Ball.  The ball is K-9's largest fund raiser of the year.  K-9's goal is provide ever homes to dogs that have rescued or left by their owners.
It started out as a prim and  proper night where you checked in the mirror to make sure everything was just perfect.  The make up was applied just right; the dress hung just right; and the hair looked just right.  Then it was off in a taxi with friends to enjoy the night.
The evening started with a single glass of bubbly and ended with I don't know how many glasses or bottles.
The prim lasted through the delicious 3 course dinner.  Then all of sudden it turned to  fun.   Caroline raffled off her puppy cake,  we danced and danced and danced, we searched for numbers ending in 9 to win door prizes, and ended up next to a Ferrari.
How many glasses/bottles of champagne were consumed?  I lost count.  And I'm happy to say that the night was one of those rare nights were fun turned out to be fun and it was a time to let totally relax and let my hair down.  Then a taxi home at 3 a.m. for a morning of rest.
Yes, it was a magical night.

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